12 Yaak_School_mtg_minutes 6-19-2024
Minutes June 20, 2018 Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Yaak School Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairperson, Pam Fuqua, at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 20, 2018, at the Yaak School. Pam opened the meeting and stated that the meeting was being recorded.
Trustees Present: Pam Fuqua, Trish Lauer and Sandy Beder-Miller
Others Present: Diane Downey, District Clerk.
The minutes from the May 16, 2018 board meeting were reviewed. Trish moved that the May minutes be accepted as presented, Sandy seconded and Pam concurred.
Teachers Report:
- Rose was not present. Her submitted yearend report was reviewed by the board.
Maintenance Committee:
- Trish stated that she had spoken to Libby Glass regarding their quote for window replacement. She contacted Craig, he stated that we were not going to work with them. The decision has been made that he do the re-glazing that needs done and contact Mark Nussbaum to look at the one window that needs replaced. Pam mentioned that it looked as though the needed work on the playset had been completed and asked if Diane had spoken to Craig regarding that. Diane has not spoken to Craig. Trish will contact Craig to see how things on the summer maintenance list are progressing and report at the next meeting.
Fundraising Committee:
- Pam stated that volunteers were in abundance and everything is on schedule for the day of the fair. Diane mentioned that she had purchased the pop-up tent that the committee requested and also borrowed a second one if it is needed. Sandy reported that she and Chris had done a radio interview that will air on Voices of the Kootenai. Sandy spoke with the reporter from the Western News and he will be here the day of the Fair and do a follow-up article sometime after the Fair.
Technology Committee:
- The matching funds grant for our lit fiber project in the amount of $330,637.00 has been awarded. Trish and Diane will be the signers for the documents for this grant. Diane advised that the E-Rate process for this project may run into next year but State matching funds are available to us through September 30, 2022. The Funding Commitment Decision Letter for our satellite service has been posted on EPC. This will give us our 90% discount for those services we receive from Hughes Net. Trish added that the contract for the State matching funds has been reviewed by herself and Diane. She contacted Michelle at the Dept. of Commerce and discussed the time constraint and Michelle stated that they understand that this may be a lengthy process and they would work with us if an extension is needed. She feels there is nothing in the contract that we can’t adhere to so we will be signing said contract later today.
- The new tablets for the classroom are here. Roy brought them up and got them setup on the network. He will be coming back just before school starts to make sure we are good to go for the 2018-19 SY. Rose had asked that we purchase a mouse for the teacher’s tablet. Diane had Roy order one and he brought that up as well. Trish asked where we were on the printer issues. Pam stated that that was on hold until we could figure out the most efficient way to deal with the high cost of toner and also the cause of slow printing. Diane stated that Roy will do firmware updates on all the printers when he comes up just before school starts. Pam suggested calling Craig at all systems go and see what he thinks could be a good solution.
Old Business:
- Newsletter has been edited by Trish and has been published.
- Preliminary Expenditure Budget was reviewed and adopted. Pam moved that the preliminary General Fund Expenditure budget for the 18-19 SY be adopted as presented. Sandy seconded and Trish concurred. Diane fielded questions regarding other sources of funding other than the General Fund.
- Diane presented the information from Superior Text Books offer for purchase of used math curriculum. Their offer is pennies on the dollar but this is our best way to get rid of them. Trish and Sandy offered to record ISBN numbers of the text books we have to sell. Diane will send the list to Superior Text Books and pack them up for shipping.
New Business:
- A motion was made by Trish that we adopt the General Fund Budget amount of $117,383.90 for the 2018-19 SY. Pam seconded and Sandy concurred.
- Diane explained the new Title IV funding. Up to 15% of the total allocation of these funds may be use for technology. Originally the board had chosen to purchase the new tablets for the classroom from fund 101; it is the suggestion of the clerk to instead purchase them from REAP 17-18 funds under Title IV.
- Board reviewed the balance remaining in the General Fund and discussed employee yearend bonuses to spend down those remaining funds to avoid reversion. The board asked Diane to pay the teacher’s aide, clerk and janitor a yearend bonus of 7% based on each employee’s gross wages for the SY. Rose, the Head Teacher will also receive 7%, $800.00 of the total will be paid from general funds and the remainder will be paid from 17-18 REAP funds as a Retention Benefit. Diane requested that the bonus checks be processed prior to her leaving on vacation. The board agreed that checks should be run before Diane leaves.
Clerk’s Report, Financials & Expenditures:
- Diane presented the request to County Treasurer for warrant signing authority for the 18-19 SY. All trustees signed the document and will have warrant signing authority. Diane will mail document to County Treasurer.
- April balanced to the County Treasurer’s Report were reviewed. Trish moved that the April financials be accepted as presented. Sandy seconded and Pam concurred.
- May expenditures were reviewed. The county has not sent the May reports so balanced financials for May will be presented at the July meeting. June expenditures to date were reviewed.
- Board reviewed General Fund school expenditure budget. Diane explained in detail how this report is used to follow general fund balances across each department month by month.
- Diane presented the new excel spreadsheet she has created to track all the PRC codes for Misc Fund 115.
Public Comment:
Next Regular Meeting: July 25, 2018 @ 9:30 a.m. Meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m.