12 Yaak_School_mtg_minutes 6-19-2024
Minutes May 16, 2018 Regular/Reorganization Board Meeting
The regular meeting of the Yaak School Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairperson, Pam Fuqua, at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 16, 2018, at the Yaak School. Pam opened the meeting and stated that the meeting was being recorded.
Trustees Present: Pam Fuqua and Helen Carpenter
Others Present: Nancy Higgins, Ron Higgins, Dan Strohl, Bill Sullivan and Diane Downey, District Clerk.
The minutes from the April 18, 2018 board meeting were reviewed. Pam moved that the April minutes be accepted as presented, Helen seconded.
Teachers Report:
- Rose reported on the guests that have visited the classroom over the past month.
- Rose would like to have the 2018 Arts and Crafts Fair proceeds earmarked for special classroom projects for the students. She is planning a quilt project.
- The 2018-19 school calendar was presented. She discussed her plan for the kindergarten schedule as she plans on having them go half days for the first half of the year. This will not affect our ANB as K-3 is full time at 720 hours.
- Rose reviewed her PIR schedule and workshops she is planning on attending.
- Rose is applying for an Indian Ed for All grant, this grant can be up to $1,500.00. She is working on getting guest speakers for each quarter throughout the 18-19 SY.
- Rose reported that the ground squirrel problem has gotten out of hand and would like something done about them over the summer. Her concern is that the holes they are making on the playground can cause a student to fall and twist or break a leg. Craig will be addressing that issue over the summer months.
- Side By Side reading program teacher materials have been ordered. The Libby District will not be replacing their K-2 reading program this year so Rose is planning on using the Story Town series that we have for the K-2 reading curriculum for next year. She has asked Diane to order just a couple of student practice books that we will need.
- She is having issues with the printers in the resource room. Pam suggested we look at when they were purchased and address this issue at our next meeting. Diane suggested we look into calling for professional maintenance quotes.
- We are having issues with children other than students playing on the school grounds while school is in session. This is very distracting to our younger students that just don’t understand why they aren’t allowed to be out as well. Rose asked the board to address this with the tenant that is renting the teacherage.
Old Business:
- Pam advised that Rose has accepted the contract that was presented to her for the 2018-19 SY. Pam reviewed the details of the contract and it was signed.
- Rose mentioned that graduation will be held the 17th at 3 p.m., please pass the word that the public is invited.
- 2018-19 SY classified staff wages were discussed and they will be as follows: Clerk $17.00 per hour, Teachers Aides $13.00 per hour and Janitorial staff $13.00 per hour.
- Policies that were reviewed at the April meeting were presented and approved. Clean copies were placed in board member’s policy books.
Maintenance Committee:
- Craig reviewed his summer maintenance list. Diane advised that if they decide to replace complete windows that would entail removing it completely from the structural frame, AHERA requires us to have asbestos testing done. Outhouse that was donated to us by the Forest Service is not needed; Craig offered to remove it for the cost it will take to have it removed. Roll of fencing needs to be stored so it does not get over grown by grass and weeds. Craig suggested the use of a pellet gun to reduce the ground squirrel population. Dan Strohl asked if the State would consider a pellet gun a firearm. If so would it be legal on the school property. Pam stated that with board approval firearms can legally be on the school property. Helen moved that Craig be allowed to use a pellet gun on the school grounds for rodent control once classes are out for the year. Pam concurred. Craig asked for permission to rent a commercial carpet cleaner to shampoo the carpets. Board stated that would be fine. Pam advised to go forward with purchase on new weed eater. Pam advised that going forward Craig will work with trustee Trish Lauer on all maintenance items.
Technology Committee:
- E-Rate review is still on going. Diane gave an update of that progress. No news yet on arrival date for Chromebooks we ordered.
Curriculum Committee:
- Committee members have volunteered to serve lunch at Rendezvous. Companion reading books that support the new reading curriculum are arriving. Diane asked if we could have a couple hour train session for those that wanted to help catalog those books into the library. She will send out an email to Trish and Sandy when time allows.
- Diane was contacted by John Herrick’s family, it was his wish that charitable donation in his memory be made to Friends of the Yaak School Library Fund. Diane will setup PRC code for tracing and sent notice to his family as donations come in. Diane advised that half the proceeds for the annual Sasquatch Festival will donated to the school.
Fundraising Committee:
- Pam went over the latest information on the Arts and Crafts Fair. Ron Webb has volunteered to take care of the plumbing and electrical needs.
- Trish Lauer was elected by acclamation on April 6, 2018, and Sandy Beder-Miller was appointed to the vacancy seat at the April 18, 2018 meeting. At this time, Nancy Higgins, swore both Trish and Sandy into office. Proper documents were signed. Reorganization meeting followed, Pam was nominated for chairwoman and Trish for vice chairwoman and they accepted. Sandy will sit as our third trustee. Helen Carpenter presented her teacher evaluation for the 2017-18 SY. Diane asked her to please email the expenditure budget that she has been working on to her. At this time Helen excused herself from the meeting. The newly seated board asked Diane Downey if she would stay on as district clerk for the ensuing year. She accepted and was sworn in by Nancy Higgins. Proper documents were signed and Diane signed her 2018-19 contract. At this time Nancy Higgins excused herself. Trish made a motion to destroy the prior year’s election materials, Sandy seconded and Pam concurred.
New Business:
- Resolution to provide individual transportation contracts for three (3) families for the 2018-19 SY read and signed by the board.
- Board reviewed TR5’s for 2nd half of 17-18 SY and approved them.
- TR4 transportation contracts for the 2018-19 SY were reviewed and signed by board chair. Attendance agreement for our one out of district student was signed and clerk will forward to McCormick for their signatures.
- Board approved the 2018-19 School Calendar and PIR day schedule.
- Reviewed FY 2018 preliminary general fund budget spreadsheet. Diane will have a total of remaining general funds from the 2017-18 SY at the June 20th meeting.
Clerk’s Report, Financials & Expenditures:
- Four (4) year UI audit has been completed. There may be housing that was not calculated into teacher’s wages for 15-16 and 16-17 SY. After speaking with Theresia LeSueur at MSUIP she thinks it will be a minor amount we may owe for the unreported housing.
- Diane asked if all new trustees have set up their school email and MTSBA logins, both trustees have completed this. Diane asked that each of them take the time to view the new trustee webinar on the MTSBA website.
- Trustees are often away from the valley and it would be good to have each of them have warrant signing authority. Diane will pen a letter to the County Treasurer requesting that the new trustees have authorization to sign warrants and have it ready for approval at the June meeting.
- Diane suggested that the district consider going to a five (5) member board. This would lighten the workload for trustees. We can research how this can be done, inform the public and then if it is feasible we could try to have it set up for the 2019 Trustee Election. Topic was tabled for later discussion.
- We do not have balances from Treasurer’s office yet for April, so balanced financials for April will be reviewed at the June meeting. Diane reviewed the detailed expenditures for April and May to help new trustees understand the layout of the monthly financial reports.
- Grant spreadsheets were reviewed. Diane explained what each grant was used for and fielded questions.
Public Comment:
Next Regular Meeting: June 20, 2018 @ 3:30 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Diane Downey, District Clerk
Pam Fuqua, Chair
Trish Lauer, Vice Chair
Sandy Beder-Miller, Board Trustee