12 Yaak_School_mtg_minutes 6-19-2024
Minutes July 25, 2018 Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Yaak School Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairperson, Pam Fuqua, at 2:10 p.m. on Wednesday, July 25, 2018, at the Yaak School. Pam opened the meeting and stated that the meeting was being recorded. Pam stated that Diane was out of the room at present and will join the meeting later.
Trustees Present: Pam Fuqua and Trish Lauer
Others Present: Diane Downey, District Clerk and Rose Wilson.
The minutes from the June 20, 2018 board meeting were reviewed. Trish moved that the June minutes be accepted as presented, and Pam seconded.
Maintenance Committee:
- Play set repairs and sealing is done, all propane pilots have been turned off, removal of debris is partially done, rodent control is going well, utility sink installed, classroom spot repairs on walls and repainting is completed. Other items from original list will be completed before school starts as time allows. Riding lawn mower is having issues, loose deck which Craig will attempt to fix. Tenant in the teacherage left a note for the board letting them know that she is having a rodent problem under the teacherage. Trish will ask if Elizabeth would mind using live traps to remove said rodents.
Teachers Report:
- There will be a Kindergarten student next year. Parent has stated that they thought he was ready for 1st grade work. Rose will do assessment before school starts. She also has been asked by a parent of a pre five (5) year old if their child could be assessed and see if she may be enrolled in Kindergarten. The board said they would leave the decision of enrollment up to Rose. If after the assessment Rose feels the child is ready to start school the board would approve her decision.
- The aide Rose had planned to return this year has notified her that she will not be returning. Rose has asked Craig if he would be interested in the position and is waiting for his answer. The board asked if this would put him over 40 hours a week as he also has janitorial duties. Rose assured them that he would not work more than 40 hours a week as we are on a 4 day week and even if he was in the classroom full time he would still have 8 hours each week to use for janitorial duties. Rose stated that the first 2 weeks of school are 5 day weeks but she will make sure he does not exceed the 40 hours a week. Rose will notify the board as soon as she gets Craig’s answer.
- Rose asked if the book case in the easy reader section of the library can be moved and modified for better access to the books and more shelves. The donated totes of school stuff came from a vendor at the fair. Rose has sorted through them and any books and supplies we cannot use she will be donating those items to the McCormick School.
- Diane asked when Rose would like the Vision and Hearing Screening. Rose said, as soon as possible after the 20th of August. Diane will call NWCH and set it up.
- Rose asked if the bonus she was offered in her contract could be given at any time as it was not specifically stated in the contract. The board approved the disbursement of the bonus. Rose will notify Pam as to how she would like this done.
- Rose will work on the classroom goals and objects for the 18-19 SY and submit them to the board by the October meeting. Rose fielded questions from the board about testing that is referenced in our CSIP. She will also report on last year’s Smarter Balance test results as soon as they are available.
- There was some discussion about subs for the ensuing year.
Fundraising Committee:
- Pam gave a report on the funds that were raised at this year’s fair. Overall proceeds this year were $3003.00. Not all of this will go into the fair PRC code 019. Proceeds from the sale of old text books go to PRC code 007. Students had a booth and those proceeds will go to the student fund 184. YWC has asked that the proceeds from their cookie sale be used for the library PRC 005 (see attached for detail). The committee is very pleased with the outcome of the fair.
Technology Committee:
- We are still in the review process with USAC on our new construction lit fiber application. MontanaSky the vendor that we chose for this project advised that they have contacted USAC and asked that our application be expedited. Diane is unsure if this will speed up the process. Funding commitment letter has been received for the satellite lease for this year.
- Diane is working on the printer problem; we have purchased a warranty that will cover our printer issues across up to 25 devices. We will not have to wait for Roy to have time to come up and will do away with that added expense.
New Business:
- The 2018-19 Interlocal Agreement with Troy was reviewed and signed by the Board Chair. Diane will return signed document to Troy.
- The General Fund reserve was set at 10% of the general fund budget. Diane stated that if we do not have that much left to reserve that amount, she will lower the encumbered dollars from the 17-18 SY to accommodate a $10,000.00 dollar reserve.
- Resolution for Final Budget Meeting was read and signed by board. Diane presented the legal ad required by law to notice this meeting to the public. Board approved and it will appear in the Western News Friday August 10th.
Clerk’s Report, Financials & Expenditures:
- Maefairs is open but has glitches, Diane is working on TFS and as soon as this is done she will forward a copy of the report so board can review it before the August meeting.
- Craig will be coming in on Thursday the 9th to move furniture in clerk’s office to replace carpet. Diane recommended she take the computer home instead of leaving it out of her locked office during the weekend. Board thought that was a good idea.
- May financials balanced with the Treasurer’s Office were reviewed. Pam moved that they be approved as presented and Trish seconded.
- June financials balanced with the Treasurer’s Office were reviewed. Trish moved that they be approved as presented and Pam seconded.
- JoAnne L. stopped in to drop off the check for the knife that was virtually bid on during the fairs silent auction.
- Diane reviewed the ending balances of the each fund. (see attached Financials for detail)
- Pam went over the July to date expenditures as they were warrants that she signed
- Diane informed the board that she had gotten a delinquent notice regarding our financial review. Diane called the auditor and he assured her that he would contact the State to explain why they had not completed our audit.
Public Comment:
Next Regular Meeting: August 15, 2018 @ 9:30 a.m. Meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.