August 15, 2018 Final Budget Meeting Minutes
The Final Budget meeting for the Yaak School was called to order by Chairperson, Pam Fuqua, at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, August 15, 2018, at the Yaak School. Pam opened the meeting, welcomed visitors and stated that the meeting was being recorded.
Trustees Present: Pam Fuqua, Trish Lauer and Sandra Beder-Miller.
Others Present: Diane Downey, District Clerk and Bill Sullivan.
The minutes from the July 25, 2018 board meeting were reviewed. Pam moved that the July minutes be accepted as presented, and Sandra seconded.
2018-19 Budget Review: Diane gave a detailed review of all budgeted funds. General Fund budget of $117,383.90 was adopted. Transportation budget of $ 2,437.05 was adopted. Retirement Budget of $13,536.00 was adopted. Building Reserve budget of $11,212.06 was adopted (10 mils). Upon review of the Retirement budget Pam mentioned that if we use the teacher’s aide as a sub they would be getting .50 cents an hour less than their aide rate as the sub rate is $12.50. Pam moved that we increase the substitute teacher rate to $13.00 per hour, Trish seconded and Sandra concurred. Trish moved that they approve the above mentioned budgets as presented, Pam seconded and Sandra concurred.
2017-18 Trustees Financial Summary: Trustees reviewed the TFS and Sandra moved that they accept the TFS as presented, Pam seconded.
At this time Bill Sullivan asked to be heard regarding the Building Reserve Fund. He suggested that we look into option for funding the repairs with a no interest loan that can be paid off over time with the proceeds from the non-voted levy. He is suggesting this as the cost to do the needed repairs will only become more expensive. Trish will get the information from Diane about TDH Engineering and follow up with them. She will also look into funding sources.
Maintenance Committee:
- Trish gave an update on the summer maintenance list. The book shelf is being built and will be put in place as soon as it is complete. Diane mentioned that we need to put padlocks on the storage attached to the teacherage and the small storage shed adjacent to teacherage. The carpet that was to be used for the clerk’s office disappeared out of the teacherage store. A $100.00 dollar remnant was purchase so the clerk’s office carpet which was worn through could be replaced. Trish offered a chair mat that she had that she was not using.
Technology Committee:
- We have no new news about our E-Rate application for our lit fiber project.
- Roy is coming up Friday to make sure all devices are functioning and are able to connect to the printers. Diane will deal with how she will use the color printer when printing the newsletter.
- A set of headphones with microphone that are compatible with student tablets will need to be purchased as one student needs to do online speech therapy.
- Roy stated that the two (2) Windows based computers in the computer lab are no longer filtered as the UnTangled software that we were using is no longer available. Diane has let Rose know that those computers must not be used by students. Diane suggested that when the lit fiber is installed we replace those computers with Chrome boxes. We do have category 2 funds remaining through E-Rate and Diane will apply for that funding when we are ready.
New Business: The Board looked over the student handbook and approved it for the 2018-19 SY. Transportation contract for new students were reviewed and signed by board chair. This new contract is reflected in the budget for this year.
Clerk’s Report, Financials & Expenditures:
- Teachers report was given by Diane. Rose asked that the board approve paying her bonuses in the following manner: half in August and half in December. Board approved this pay schedule. At the Standards conference that Rose attended she learned about three (3) independent study programs that she would like to implement in her classroom. The annual cost for them is approximately $400.00. Diane stated that they can be paid for with REAP funds. The school year as far as she knows at this time will start with seven (7) students. She has reported the test results for the kindergarteners that she tested to Pam. The Harvest Festival this year will be early October. This year the students will be doing coleslaw with the cabbage they grew in the greenhouse. Menu will be chili dogs and coleslaw. We are still planning to borrow the apple press but will need to source our apples from somewhere else as our festival will be much later than the Apple Festival in Troy. Diane will coordinate the use of their apple press for making cider. Todd Berget donated $430.00 of the Sasquatch Festival proceeds to the school. He has requested that the funds be used for student activities. Diane asked the board where they wanted the funds deposited. It was the board’s choice to have the funds placed in PRC 005 which is School Fundraising for Student Activities. Rose asked that a board member meet with her in the near future to discuss the School’s Emergency Operation Plan. It needs to be updated. Rose said sometime in October would be good. Sandy said she would be happy to work with Rose on the EOP. Rose spoke with McCormick about the extra books and supplies that we were hoping to pass on to them. They said they really did not need them. We will store the books and they can be used for prizes at the children’s game booths at next year’s fair.
- The Financial Review for the 2016-17 SY has been completed. Per the auditor we only had one issue which was that the accrued accounts payable reported on the TFS did not match the report from accounting software. Auditor will be sending us his findings and at that time Diane can address this finding. Also he stated that there is a 180 day window for fines that would be assessed for late filing; we are inside that window so we will not have to worry about fine for late filing. As this was an expenditure that was budgeted in the 2017-18 SY but due to delays we did not get invoices for their services prior to close of the fiscal year we will have to use 2018-19 funds which we did not budget for to pay for this audit.
- We do not have the financials from the treasurer’s office for the month of July yet. Diane reviewed detailed expenditures from July and expenditures to date for August.
- Diane informed the board that the precedent has been set in past years that returning Teachers’ Aides be offered Health Insurance and Accrued Sick and Vacation. Craig Johnson is returning this year and with his janitorial position will be a full time employee. The board needs to decide if they will be paying for his health insurance and at what percentage. The board will look into this and advise Diane as to their decision.
Public Comment: None
Next Regular Meeting: September 26, 2018 @ 3:30 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by: Diane Downey, District Clerk