12 Yaak_School_mtg_minutes 6-19-2024
Minutes from January 12, 2018 Board Meeting
The regular meeting of the Yaak School Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Person, Pam Fuqua, at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 12, 2018, at the Yaak School. Pam opened the meeting and stated that the meeting was being recorded.
Trustees Present: Pam Fuqua, Bonnie Surrell and Helen Carpenter
Others Present: Bill Sullivan and Diane Downey, District Clerk
The minutes from the November 15, 2017 board meeting were reviewed. Helen moved that the November minutes be accepted as presented. Bonnie seconded and Pam concurred.
Technology Committee:
- Diane reported that she has filed an E-Rate Form 470, request for bid. This request is for bids for Leased Lit Fiber to the school. We will see if any vendors respond, State matching funds are available through the Montana Broadband Program. If we have a response to the Form 470, Diane will be applying for the State matching funds. With our E-Rate discount at 90% for this project the out of pocket cost will be minimal. Once bids are reviewed we will know what our monthly cost will be for internet. Also Form 470 was filed for our telephone service. The satellite service that we now have was set up on a 2 year lease so no form 470 is required for that service.
- Roy came up on the 2nd of January and did all needed updates. The Untangled filter service we are now using is no longer free. Roy has contacted GoGaurdian, the provider, we use for filtering content to the student chrome books. They have agreed to provide filtering to our school at no charge across all devices.
- The new school website is up and running. Diane reminded the trustees that she would like a short bio from each of them to place on the website. Pam mentioned that she is still working on the historical data to be used for a historical section we would like to include on the website.
Curriculum Committee:
- Helen reported on the committee meeting held November 28th. The next meeting will be February 6, 2018 at 3 p.m. Diane reminded Helen that we have access to the Meet the Master’s Program. The art supply cupboard is very disorganized and really should be gone through so we know what we have. It was suggested that volunteers from the committee sign up to assist students with the practice tests that are available online prior to the official test window opening.
New Business:
- The proclamation for a General Fund Budget Amendment, due to unanticipated enrollment increase, was read, approved and signed by the trustees. This budget amendment will net additional funds of $14,668.66 in direct state aid. (copy of proclamation available at clerk’s office)
- Rose has asked that the board approve Sharon Shelton for the sub list. Pam read the recommendation from Rose. Bonnie asked if there were requirements for substitute teachers. The State does not have requirement. The trustees discussed the idea of trying to find subs with a teaching background. Sharon has a copy of the criminal background check that she had done for a concealed weapon permit, and the board will accept that document as her required background check.
Teachers Report: Given by Pam Fuqua
- RenLearn testing reports show great progress. Report cards for 2nd quarter have been sent home. Field trip with McCormick school is on schedule for the 30th of January. Helen reported on details of this field trip. Bonnie did have some concerns about liability and if we had all the needed release forms. Diane asked the trustees what fund they wanted to use for this field trip. They want this trip paid out of the Student Fund. We will have 3 adults from our school with the students all day.
Policy Review:
Second Reading
- 1531 Trustee Expenses second reading, Helen made a motion to adopt policy, Bonnie seconded and Pam concurred.
- 2150 Suicide Prevention second reading, Pam made a motion to adopt policy, Bonnie seconded and Helen concurred. Diane stated that all instructional staff have completed the required 2 hour training and certifications have been placed in their employee files.
- 3300 Suspension and Expulsion-Corrective Actions and Punishment second reading, changes were reviewed and approved. Revised policy placed in policy books.
First Reading
- 5010-Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination we will use the new language suggested by MTSBA. Diane will make changes and second reading and approval will be at the next meeting.
- 5120-Hiring Process and Criteria replace first paragraph with new MTSBA language. Remove third paragraph requiring TB testing, as that is no longer required. Remove Legal References that no longer apply.
- 5420-Teachers’ Aides-Para Educators changes will be made to reflect new law under ESSA. The board will add the requirement of PASS training for any para professional aide.
Clerk’s Report, Financials & Expenditures:
- Diane reminded everyone that the window for oath of candidacy for this year’s trustee election is open until March 29, 2018. Forms were given to trustees, so if you know someone that would like to declare, please give them a declaration form.
- The annual Compensation Expenditure Report has been submitted to OPI.
- The library cataloging is complete. Students and staff are very happy with the new system. The cost of getting the cataloging completed was $3,709.31.
- 2008 OTO Deferred Maintenance Grant came to a close this year, and all funds not spent must be returned to the OPI. Their records show, that we still hold $507.09 of those funds and must return them. The school records show that it was all spent. As the accounting of these funds was done by a past clerk, and Diane can find no record to refute the unspent $507.09. She will be issuing a check to OPI out of the General Fund to return what was not spent according to OPI.
- Transportation Claims for 1st half of the school year have been signed by Pam. Total for those claims is $732.55, and will be paid out the end of February.
- Pam spoke on the subject of a teacher bonus, Diane reviewed available funds. Pam moved that the school give Rose Wilson, the head teacher, a $2,000.00 bonus. Helen and Bonnie both concurred.
- Helen had some questions in regards to the small amount of maintenance cost for the month. Diane explained that those expenditures were separate from the janitorial wages. Helen asked if REAP funds could be used to pay Barbara to do the practice testing with students if no volunteers could be found. Diane stated that REAP funds could only be used for Title IA targeted students.
At this time Helen had to excuse herself as she had an appointment.
- October financials balanced with the Treasurer’s office were reviewed. Bonnie moved that the October financials be approved, Pam concurred.
- November financials balanced with the Treasurer’s office were reviewed. Pam moved that the November financials be approved, Bonnie concurred.
- As the December financial reports have not yet been received from the Treasurer’s office Diane reviewed December expenditures across all funds. Revenues will be reviewed at the February meeting.
- The schools general fund expenditure budget was reviewed in detail. Diane presented the balances of the schools PRC codes under Fund 115 being used for donations and Fair proceeds. Pam would like to see the overdrawn amount of $837.08 from wages paid to finish up library cataloging in PRC code 016 to be recoded to come out of the general fund if tnth. Diane explained that those expenditures were separate from the janitorial wages. Helen asked if REAP funds could be used to pay Barbara to do the practice testing with students if no volunteers could be found. Diane stated that REAP funds could only be used for Title IA targeted students.
At this time Helen had to excuse herself as she had an appointment.
- October financials balanced with the Treasurer’s office were reviewed. Bonnie moved that the October financials be approved, Pam concurred.
- November financials balanced with the Treasurer’s office were reviewed. Pam moved that the November financials be approved, Bonnie concurred.
- As the December financial reports have not yet been received from the Treasurer’s office Diane reviewed December expenditures across all funds. Revenues will be reviewed at the February meeting.
- The schools general fund expenditure budget was reviewed in detail. Diane presented the balances of the schools PRC codes under Fund 115 being used for donations and Fair proceeds. Pam would like to see the overdrawn amount of $837.08 from wages paid to finish up library cataloging in PRC code 016 to be recoded to come out of the general fund if the budget amendment is approved.
Public Comment: Bill Sullivan asked if it would be possible to reach out to the homeschool community to see if they could utilize the new library. Pam liked the idea, Diane suggested that we send a letter to the home school families to see if they would like to have the library open to them. Pam asked Diane if she would work with Bill to see if this would be feasible.
- Next Regular Meeting: February 21, 2018 @ 3:30 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.