12 Yaak_School_mtg_minutes 6-19-2024
Minutes March 21, 2018 Board Meeting
The regular meeting of the Yaak School Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Person, Pam Fuqua, at 3:33 p.m. on Wednesday, March 21, 2018, at the Yaak School. Pam opened the meeting and stated that the meeting was being recorded.
Trustees Present: Pam Fuqua, Bonnie Surrell and Helen Carpenter
Others Present: Trish Lauer and Diane Downey, District Clerk
The minutes from the February 21, 2018 board meeting were reviewed. Pam moved that the February minutes be accepted as presented. Helen seconded and Bonnie concurred.
Maintenance Committee:
- The toilet in the girls bathroom has been fixed.
Technology Committee:
- Form 471 will be submitted tomorrow. Our phone service will no longer be covered. Estimated cost for phone monthly without e-rate discount is $124.00. The grant application has been filed for additional funding for the broadband project. We have no idea how long the E-Rate review process will take. The project and state funds both hinge on funding commitment from USAC.
- Rose has stated that she would like to have the classroom tablets as soon as possible so she can use them for testing.
- Diane was contacted by a company called Freezepage. This company can archive postings that are made on our websites and FB pages in the case that we would need them at a later date for legal purposes. Helen will call Roy and check with him about what Troy may be doing and if in fact there are laws out there about being able to reproduce information for legal purposes.
Curriculum Committee:
- Rose would like the committee to meet one last time before the end of the school year. The science curriculum ideally needs to be purchased for use next year.
Old Business:
- The two candidates have filed a declaration. Diane has an appointment with Leigh Riggleman, the county election administer to review the process for a mail ballot election. Diane reviewed the timeline. Helen asked if the board would need to have a contract ready for the clerk at the May meeting.
New Business:
- The notice for the non-voted levy increase was reviewed. We will be increasing that levy by 5 mils. This will put us at the maximum of 10 mils under SB307. The required resolution was signed and Diane will see that the legal notice is posted.
- A spreadsheet was presented for the preliminary general fund budget. Diane will keep this updated and e-mail those updates as they occur. Questions were fielded regarding the remaining general funds and how they could be spent.
Teachers Report:
- Science testing is complete.
- The Chrome books will be needed as soon as possible. Pam said the purchase has been approved and they are ordered.
- The spring cleaning list was presented. Craig will also start inventory counts as some of the spring cleaning projects are dealing with inventory and need updating.
- Rose is working on the library list. Duplicates of some books will be purchased as Rose does partner reading in the classroom.
- Rose gave an update on Rendezvous.
- Evaluations for aides and janitor were given to the board to sign. A copy will go to the employee and one will be placed in their file.
- The science program that Rose has chosen is KnowAtom. She would like to get 2nd and 5th grades for next year. There is a 30% discount that they are offering this month. It was suggested that we see if they will honor the discount if we change the quote to 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th grades.
- Rose advised that she will only be teaching for one more year. They have put their house on the market and may need the teacherage if it sells. She would like to be part of the process of finding her replacement. Helen asked if Rose wanted the teacherage included in her 2018-19 contract. They will put the teacherage in the contract so she can move in if she needs it.
- Rendezvous is a go, we are looking at approximately 35 children. The plan is for 8 stations. Pam advised that the porta potties have been ordered and picnic table were ordered. Details were discussed. Trish offered to do the instruction for the butter making station.
- Diane fielded questions regarding remaining general funds. Pam moved that the funds required for science curriculum be approved. Helen seconded and Bonnie concurred.
Clerk’s Report, Financials & Expenditures:
- Diane presented a letter from a grant opportunity firm. Diane does not have time to follow up on this but if one of the board members would like to contact them that would be great.
- The REAP 2018-19 application is completed. Diane explained changes in the date for liquidation of REAP funds going forward. Diane reported that we have $12,664.29 in 2017-18 Reap funds that must be spent by September 2018. She would like permission from the board to take whatever funds are not spent by July 1st and apply those remaining funds to teachers insurance for the 2018-19 SY. The board agreed that this would be the way to spend down those funds.
- The Significant Needs grant has been submitted. We requested $6,875.00. This will cover expenses to date and anticipated expenses through the end of the year.
- The transportation claims for the first half of the school year have been paid.
- The Student Attendance Agreement for new out of district student has been sent to McCormick. The guardian of this student understands that we will not be paying transportation.
- The MSSA letter of agreement was presented and signed by our board chair. Date for the 2018-19 Alterative Standards workshop has been given to Rose.
- Private/nonpublic participation for federally funded programs has been sent out to the two homeschooled families that registered with the County Superintendent. The board is concerned that our home schooling community is not seeing the announcement about registration that is now posted in the local paper. Diane has asked if it would be okay for the school to send out a reminder, and Nancy Higgins says it is up to us. The board would like the clerk to reach out annually to remind those families to register with the county superintendent’s office.
- The teacher is required to have an up to date CPR certificate. The Yaak Community Club is offering a CPR class in April. Two staff members should attend as it is important to always have someone on site that knows CPR. The Board approved to pay the class fee and 4 hours wages for staffers to attend.
- February financials balanced to the Treasures Office were presented. Helen moved that they accepted as presented. Bonnie seconded and Pam concurred.
- March expenditures to date were reviewed and approved.
- The balance remaining at this time for the General Fund $42,946.61. This includes our budget amendment funds.
Second Reading New Policy
- 4350 – Website Accessibility and Nondiscrimination was read. Pam moved policy be adopted as presented. Bonnie seconded and Helen concurred.
- 5220 – Prohibition on Aiding Sexual Abuse was read. Pam moved policy be adopted as presented. Helen seconded and Bonnie concurred.
Old Policy Rotational Review:
1400 – Board Meetings, 1420 – School Board Meeting Procedure, 1420F – Notice Regarding Public Comment, 1441 – Audience Participation, 1513 – Management Rights, 1610 – Annual Goals and Objectives, 1610P – District Mission Statement and Philosophy of Education, 1700 – Uniform Complaint Procedure, and 1700F – Uniform Grievance Form were reviewed. Changes were needed on 1400 and 1610. Diane will make those changes, update history and print clean copies for books.
Public Comment:
Next Regular Meeting: April 18, 2018 @ 3:30 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by: Diane Downey, District Clerk