Minutes April 18th, 2018 Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Yaak School Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Person, Pam Fuqua, at 3:34 p.m. on Wednesday, April 18, 2018, at the Yaak School. Pam opened the meeting and stated that the meeting was being recorded.
Trustees Present: Pam Fuqua and Helen Carpenter
Others Present: Trish Lauer and Diane Downey, District Clerk
The minutes from the March 21, 2018 board meeting were reviewed. Pam moved that the March minutes be accepted as presented, Helen seconded.
Maintenance Committee:
- Pam mentioned the request from Craig that a weed eater be purchased with year end funds. Craig has also asked that the board allow him to purchase by donation some scrap steel poles and roofing tin. He will submit a bid the items he would like to purchase.
At this time our new 6th grade student came in and introduced himself and gave us a short history of how he came to be here.
Technology Committee:
- Form 471 review has started. Diane has contacted Todd Lark, our consultant. They will be submitting the required information.
- The tablets will not be ready for use this year as they are still in production.
- Helen contacted MTSBA to inquire about the archiving of social media posts and comment from our website. Joe Brott, from their team said that there were no laws or requirements in place for archiving that data. He thought that the call we received from Freeze Page was a cold call to see if we would purchase their services.
- Diane explained the new Cyber Attack coverage that is now part of our liability insurance. Earlier in the year Roy completed a survey that our provider sent out to gather information about our network data security. Those results were include in our renewal package and will be forwarded to Roy so he can look it over and see if there is anything that we need to address.
Curriculum Committee:
- Science and Math curriculum for next year has been purchased.
- Social studies is the subject for review next year. Rose is confident that the material she has on hand will be sufficient for the upcoming year.
- The reading program she would like to put in place is called Side-By-Side. It is based on chapter books that we can incorporate into our library. This can be done with our Friends of the Yaak School Library Program. She will speak on this during her report later in the meeting. Helen let the clerk know that the Library donations can at the store needs to be picked up.
- There was discussion on how we will handle the funds raised by the book drive.
Teachers Report:
- One of our 1st graders won the state divisional contest for the DNRC calendar art contest, we also had two (2) honorable mention winners. The 1st place winner goes on to the state level competition and could win $100.00.
- Rick Bass visited our classroom, reading a story he is working on. He talked to the students about the importance of proof reading and editing. He plans on coming back in a few weeks to do another writing class.
- Graduation will be May 17th at 3:00 p.m. and will be open to the public. Rose asked for funds to purchase cake and punch. Board approved that purchase.
- Our 8th grader with be going to orientation at Troy HS on the 23rd of May.
- Rendezvous on May 24th, will have seven (7) class stations; we are expecting 30 students to participate. This will include local home schoolers, students from McCormick and our students.
- Rose talked about the Side-By-Side reading program she would like to put in place for next year. The cost of the companion reading chapter books that she would need for the entire year is $1,306.48 and would be part of the school library. The teacher manuals for all grades $1,976.00. The total cost for all materials for this program would be $3,282.48. Helen asked if Rose was hoping to purchase this program out of the 17-18 general funds. Rose said that would be great if we could, this way she can have all the materials here to start the 18-19 SY. This program does not cover K-2 but Rose is in contact with the Libby district as she had heard they may be replacing their reading curriculum and she is hoping to get what she will need from them.
- Helen asked what Rose would like to see the Fair proceeds ear marked for this year. Some suggestions were made but Rose would like to think on this some more.
Fundraising Committee:
- The vendor list is growing. The committee will be purchasing the large trash cans and they will need to purchase hoses and nozzle to supply water to the game area. Three 50 foot heavy duty extension cords have been purchased and can be used for the fair.
Old Business:
- Trustee election by acclamation resolution was read and signed. Trish Lauer was elected to a three year term by acclamation. Diane has posted all required notices.
- The teacher contract is still being worked out and will be presented when complete. Diane advised that contract can be signed prior to May meeting but must be presented to the public.
New Business:
- The vacant seat left by Bonnie Surrell’s resignation has been filed by the only person that sent in a letter of interest. That person is Sandy Beder-Miller and she will be sworn in at the May 16th meeting.
- The board is still considering the wages for classified staff for the 2018-19 school year. They will have more on this at the May 16th meeting.
- Diane presented the renewal notices for the commercial and liability insurance. The annual premium will be $2,488.00. The board approved the renewal.
- Our health insurance premium for 18-19 SY will be $815.00 per month. This includes the dental and vision plans chosen by the teacher.
- Preliminary Expenditure budget for 18-19 SY was reviewed. Diane reviewed the remaining grant funds.
Clerk’s Report, Financials & Expenditures:
- Bonnie requested that Diane asked the board if it is okay for her to have access to the school when school is not in session. She has ongoing projects and will be assisting with rendezvous and fair. The Board agreed that she should have access whenever she needs it.
- Our financial audit contract reads the audit was to start the end of March, but Diane has not heard from them.
- Diane advised the board that she will be taking vacation after the final budget meeting and June P/R is completed. She will not be leaving the valley so will be available if the need arises.
- March financials are balanced with the Treasures Office. They were reviewed and Helen moved that they be accepted as presented, Pam seconded.
- April expenditures to date were approved.
Old Policy Rotational Review:
The Board approved the changes from policies that were reviewed at the March meeting and clean copies were placed in board policy books.
Policies that were for April rotational review needed no changes. Clerk will do review footnotes and present clean copies for board members policy books at the May meeting.
Public Comment:
Next Regular Meeting: May 16, 2018 @ 3:30 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Diane Downey, District Clerk
Pam Fuqua, Chair
Helen Carpenter, Board Trustee