Minutes From November 15, 2017 Board Meeting
The regular meeting of the Yaak School Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Person, Pam Fuqua, at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 15, 2017, at the Yaak School. Pam opened the meeting and stated that the meeting was being recorded.
Trustees Present: Pam Fuqua, Bonnie Surrell and Helen Carpenter
Others Present: Diane Downey, District Clerk
The minutes from the October 18, 2017 board meeting were reviewed. Helen moved that the October minutes be accepted as presented. Bonnie seconded and Pam concurred.
Maintenance Committee:
- Ron Webb forgot to get the trench filled in for the curtain drain. It will be done in the spring as the snow melts off. The winterization list has been completed.
Technology Committee:
- Kate Arpin, a local web designer, has been chosen to build our web site and a contract has been signed. Diane has sent her information for the site and is gathering more that will be added as the process continues. Diane asked for some old photos to include in the history work that Pam is doing.
Curriculum Committee:
- The committee will meet on November 28th at 3 p.m.; Helen will post the public notice.
- Helen asked if the Eureka math texts books for all grades had been ordered. Diane stated yes they had. The quote was $ 1,268.82. They have not shipped yet but should within a week. Diane asked what we were to do with the Singapore math curriculum that we now have. The decision was made that we will store them on the self in the resource room. We will look for a used book resale company for selling them.
Old Business:
- The newsletter was presented for review; Diane will publish and distribute Thursday.
- The CSIP report has been completed and submitted. Copies are available from the clerk. Helen asked how we can make sure that the information from this report is incorporated into the teacher’s yearend report. Diane stated that Rose is making sure that this information is documented in her final report in June. There was some discussion about how the teacher’s yearend report should be submitted. Rose suggested that it would be better if the final report be in writing. This would make the CSIP much easier to complete. Rose also suggested that the yearend report be in digital form and submitted to clerk for reference use during CSIP reporting period in the fall. Diane will make the needed change in the teacher duties to reflect this change.
At this time one of our 5th grade students gave a presentation on the Word Work they have been doing in class.
Teachers Report:
- Thanksgiving lunch will be Tuesday at 12:30; Rose invited the board to join the staff and students.
- A play has been chosen for the Winter Program and practice has begun. Rose is going to asking Mary Campbell to be their accompaniment. The board agreed to a $100.00 dollar budget for this program. Diane will issue a check to Elizabeth Vick as she is the program director and set designer. Program will be on December 14th at the Community Hall. Lynette will design the program and posters.
- Immunization report has been submitted. All students are current.
At this time we returned to old business, Classified Staff Handbook. Diane completed first edit and has emailed it to each trustee. The second edit needs to be done by trustees; they will work on that edit. We will revisit this when they have completed their edit.
Policy Review:
- 1531 Trustee Expenses was reviewed and a few changes were made. Diane will make changes and second reading will be at the December meeting.
- 2150 Suicide Prevention Helen asked if Rose had taken any training at her previous position in Libby. Diane spoke with Rose and she had gotten training but certificates had to stay at the Libby school, and it was not the require 2 hour training. Diane stated that all instructional staff must get the training. MSIGA, our insurance carrier, provides online training that will keep us compliant. The employees will be asked to choose a day that they can rotate out of the classroom and take the 2 hour training online. No changes to this policy, second reading will be at December meeting.
- 3125F Homeless Education Assistance Dispute Resolution Form This form was placed in policy books.
- 3300 Suspension and Expulsion-Corrective Actions and Punishment All Supervising Teacher needs changes to Head Teacher and replace paragraph on page 2 with next language. Second reading will be at December meeting.
- 3413F1 Medical Exemption Statement and 3413F2 Affidavit Of Exemption On Religious Grounds From Montana School Immunization Law And Rules These are the new forms and will be used going forward.
- 4600 Notice to Parents Required by No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (“NCLB”) This policy is now obsolete and was removed from the policy book.
Clerk’s Report, Financials & Expenditures:
- October expenditures were reviewed in detail. We do not have balances from Treasurer’s office yet, so balanced financials for October will be reviewed at the December meeting. P/R had a miss posting that will be corrected in our system and at the county level.
- Board advised that wages for work in the library to catalog books into the new system going forward will be expensed out of Fund 115 PRC Code 016 which is 2015 Fair proceeds.
- November expenditures to date were reviewed. Clerk advised that December P/R will be less as half the staff will only be here for 8 days due to winter break.
- Reap 2016-017 spread sheets were reviewed. Diane advised that the time line for expending the 2017-18 REAP funds has changed. Those funds will need to be used by December 2018.
Next Regular Meeting: December 20, 2017 @ 3:30 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Diane Downey, District Clerk